Worship Team
The Worship Ministry of Southside exists to create an environment of worship that helps as many people as possible take their next step toward Jesus Christ. We accomplish this through these core values: excellence, unity, and modeling worship as a lifestyle.
Worship Times
10:30 am Worship Service is led by worship leader Kipp Gray. It is a service with blended worship songs led by our band and praise team.
Worship is how we take a step back from the everyday routines and focus on what Jesus has done for us. Worship means different things for different people, so feel free to sing, listen, raise your hands, watch, or do it all. Our service seeks to connect people with a Living God, magnify the name of Jesus and provide solid Biblical preaching.
How can I become part of the Worship Team?
Requirements for being a part of Southside Worship: a one-on-one with Worship Leader Kipp Gray, high school age and above, musical competency on the instrument and able to play in multiple styles and in all keys, clear demonstration of all ministry expectations, and the ability to commit to serve regularly. There are also to serve in “non-stage” Worship Roles such as helping with the In-House Worship experience and our online streaming presence.
Southside Choir
The choir is designed to function as a larger worship ensemble that gives more energy and musical variety to our Classic Worship Service. Kipp Gray leads our choir. Rehearsals are held weekly on Wednesday nights and consist of vocal warm-ups/musical theory concept, song learning, and a time of growth as a group. The choir sings regularly in the Sunday Morning and performs seasonal programs throughout the year. No interview is required to be a member of this group; it isn’t even necessary to be able to read music. A love for singing or “making a joyful noise” is the only requirement.