Teenagers are important to God and they are important to us. Our desire is to see students grow and develop into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We want to be a place where students can come to discover what life in Christ truly is about and to learn how to live out that life in their world. Our prayer is for our students to be so impacted by God that it affects their friendships, their focuses, their future and every aspect of their lives.

Student Pastor

Pastor Joshua Kerr
843.669.7288 x 116

Connection Groups

Age-graded groups are offered for students in 6th-12th grades at 9:15am on Sunday mornings in the Student Center. Our students are taught from The Gospel Project curriculum. We seek to engage, impart and impact our students through this time of teaching.

Sunday Night Students

Sunday Night Students is our weekly youth service for middle school and high school students. We meet from 5:30pm – 7:00pm in the Student Center. There you can enjoy snacks, games, worship, relevant Bible lessons, and small groups.

Wednesday Nights

On Wednesday nights, students gather together with the church in worship at 6:15pm. After the preaching moment, the students join together in a separate room for discussion and prayer in response to the sermon. 

Special Events

These are held throughout the year to meet the needs of junior high and high school students. These events include Late Nights, Graduation Sunday, Messy Games, Big Youth Thing, D-Now Weekend, Student Life, Taco Tuesdays, To the ’80s, Beach Blast, Mission Projects and more!


Click here to pay online for student activities. Select “Youth Activities Fees” under “Fund.”